UNIFORM AGREEMENT FORM My signature below indicates that I have been assigned the following articles of clothing to be worn during my working hours with CREACTIVA LLC.Employee Name Social Security No Uniform Item Date Issued MM slash DD slash YYYY Date Returned MM slash DD slash YYYY Employee SignatureI understand that I am accountable for all uniform items issued to me. If a particular item is lost or damaged due to my negligence, I will be required to reimburse CREACTIVA for the value of the lost or damaged items. I also understand that upon my termination, whether voluntary or involuntary, I will be responsible for returning the above clothing, or the cost of the items will be deducted from my final paycheck. When I return my uniform I will sign a receipt. I will be given a copy of the receipt for my records. I understand that without this receipt I will still be responsible for the cost of the uniform, which shall be withheld, from my final pay. Return of the uniform after such a deduction will not result in reimbursement to me.MORE THAN ONE SHIRT POLICY CREACTIVA, will provide one polo short with the logo of the working property, the second polo shirt will be at 50% of the cost; the employee portion of the cost of the second shirt shall be with held from the employees pay. If the employee requires a third shirt, it will be deducted from their paycheck dividing the total cost in two payments, that will be deducted from the employee's paycheck.THE COST OF THE POLO SHIRT IS Employee SignatureDate MM slash DD slash YYYY Employee Print Name Manager SignatureDate MM slash DD slash YYYY NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.